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You Can Bring Light to a World in Darkness

Dedicate a pocket for seed planting today. Choose from our multiple resources.

Glow tracts

What is GLOW?

Giving Light to Our World (GLOW) is a literature distribution project where thousands of pieces of literature are given away to share the Bible's message of hope to everyone in this world.

GLOW | Tracts

GLOW tracts come in bundles of 100 units of one title. You may choose from any of our 27 titles. 24 English titles and 3 Spanish titles available.

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Glow 24 pocket rack Glow 6 pocket table rack Glow 12 pocket table rack Glow 12 pocket rack Glow 24 pocket rack Glow 6 pocket table rack

GLOW | Racks

Order any of our custom made display racks in “smoke” to showcase your tracts by displaying them in an attractive, clean and organized manner. Racks are ideal for lobbies and high traffic areas in office buildings, doctor’s offices, churches and more!

We have 4 different sizes available:
6-Pocket Table Rack
12-Pocket Table Rack
12-Pocket Wall Rack
24-Pocket Wall Rack

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Glow pockets Glow red t shirt Glow blue t shirt Glow pockets Glow red t shirt

GLOW | T-shirts

Enhance your GLOW ministry, let people know you mean business when it comes to passing out tracts. Young adult and children’s groups can get started on mission work without previous experience. Wearing our bright and attractive shirts will open up opportunities for engagement! T-shirts come in S, M, L and XL.

T-shirts available in two colors:
GLOW T-shirt Red
GLOW T-shirt Blue

GLOW | Pockets

Protect your tracts from bending, creasing and ripping with our GLOW pockets. Avoid giving out soaking wet tracts on hot summer days by protecting them inside these clear plastic pockets. Each pocket comes with two slots.
View here.

Tract Title Selection

Click on any title below to view tract content.

  • 8simplewaystolivebetter
    8 Simple Ways to Live Better
  • Tract gift
    A Gift for You
  • Am i good enough cover c2
    Am I Good Enough?
  • Tract intelligentfaith
    An Intelligent Faith?
  • Tract breakingaddictions
    Breaking Addictions
  • Desperate deceived dangerous  cover
    Desperate, Deceived and Dangerous
  • Evolution impossible 194x300
    Evolution Impossible
  • Untitled 1
    History’s Longest Protest, Should I Take Part?
  • Ifgodissogoodwhydoihurtsobad
    If God is so Good, Why do I Hurt so Bad?
  • Tract istherehopeafterdeath
    Is There Hope After Death?
  • 30
    Making Sense of Natural Disasters
  • Tract mythsabouthell
    Myths About Hell
  • Pentecostgiftorgiver
    Pentecost: Gift or Giver?
  • Restfortherestless
    Rest for the Restless
  • Tract returntorest
    Return To Rest
  • Secrets of mental health cover c1  80048.1420000702.500.750
    Secrets of Mental Health
  • Tract stepstohealth
    Steps To Health
  • Threelieswebelieve
    Three Lies We Believe
  • Tract twilight
    Twilight: Is It Just A Story?
  • Tract warinheaven
    War In Heaven
  • 9d2d117bac46711449466d3ff8b57acb
    What the World Needs Now
  • When freedom dies c2
    When Freedom Dies
  • Tract whereisgodwhenihurt
    Where Is God When I Am Hurting?
  • Go to church on saturday
    Why I go to Church on Saturday
  • Tract quepasacuandounomuere
    ¿Qué Pasa Cuando Uno Muere?
  • Tract hablandocondios
    Hablando Con Dios
  • Tract promesadepaz
    La Promesa de Paz

Order Now

Fill out the form below to order your materials today.

Qty. Tract Titles SDI
All tracts come in bundles of 100 units of one title. Glow bundle
Spanish Titles
¿Qué Pasa Cuando Uno Muere?Out of Stock6.99
Hablando Con Dios6.99
La Promesa de Paz6.99
English Titles
8 Simple Ways to Live BetterOut of Stock3.00
A Gift for You6.99
Am I Good Enough?6.99
An Intelligent Faith?6.99
Breaking Addictions6.99
Desperate, Deceived and Dangerous3.00
Evolution Impossible6.99
History’s Longest Protest, Should I Take Part?3.00
If God is so Good, Why do I Hurt so Bad?Out of Stock3.00
Is There Hope After Death?6.99
Making Sense of Natural Disasters6.99
Myths About Hell6.99
Pentecost: Gift or Giver?3.00
Rest for the Restless3.00
Return To Rest6.99
Secrets of Mental Health6.99
Steps To Health6.99
Three Lies We Believe3.00
Twilight: Is It Just A Story?6.99
War In Heaven6.99
What the World Needs NowOut of Stock6.99
When Freedom Dies6.99
Where Is God When I Am Hurting?6.99
Why I go to Church on Saturday6.99
* The amounts listed above are Suggested Donations per Item.
Qty. Accessories SDI
All accessories come in single units.
GLOW Racks
6-Pocket Table Rack30.00
6-Pocket Wall Rack30.00
GLOW T-Shirts
SMBlue T-shirt6.00
MBlue T-ShirtOut of Stock6.00
LBlue T-ShirtOut of Stock6.00
XLBlue T-ShirtOut of Stock6.00
SMRed T-Shirt6.00
MRed T-Shirt6.00
LRed T-Shirt6.00
XLRed T-Shirt6.00
GLOW Pockets
How did you hear about us?
Use this as my shipping address Pick-up order
Order Items Qty. *SDI Item Total
GLOW Tracts $3.00
GLOW Racks - 6-Pocket Table Rack $30.00
GLOW Racks - 6-Pocket Wall Rack $30.00
GLOW Pockets
GLOW T-Shirts $6.00
* The amounts listed above are Suggested Donations per Item.
The basis of this program is donations. We want everyone to be able to give out literature; however, we do incur several costs. Because of this, we ask that you help us by covering shipping costs. Thank you for your help in spreading the gospel of truth.
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Please check address or call 706-602-5200 to order by phone.
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Please choose your payment option

Simply enter your credit card info below. Press SUBMIT to place your order.

Order By Phone 706-602-5200

Write to us at:

Georgia-Cumberland Conference
P.O. Box 12000
Calhoun, GA 30703

p. 706-602-5200
f. 706-625-3684 cs@glowgeorgiacumberland.com

Other Resources

For free Bible study videos and other materials visit bibleresearch.info.

For free Bible study videos and other materials in Spanish visit investigandolabiblia.com.